Born in Milan in 1970, he has been drawing since 1974 and never stopped. 

He published his first comic book work 'Eagle' in 1984 by participating in a contest held by Labor Comix.

After working in advertising as a copy and visualizer, he devoted himself only to the world of comics and illustrations.

Among his many collaborations are with Phoenix, Fumo di China, Mondadori, Panini, Star Comics, Mucchio Selvaggio, Alta Fedeltà, Grifo Edizioni, DeAgostini, Rizzoli, Eura and Sony Edizioni.

Since 2000 he has been carrying on the personal saga of 'Davide Golia' for Edizioni BD, and in 2010, also for BD, the first volume of 'The Adventures of Zigo Stella'.

Since 2013 he has been working on Dampyr debuting with the issue #182 'Nella Dimensione Nera' (2015) and he has been collaborating with US publisher Dark Horse Comics, drawing series such as Clown Fatale and Resurrectionists, which he co-authored.

From 2000 until 2016, he was a professor at the 'Scuola Del Fumetto' in Milan. 

In 2017, the anthology series Le Storie by Sergio Bonelli Editore published 'Astromostri', an adventure between noir and science fiction created with screenwriter Antonio Serra.

He returned in 2018 as a full author publishing L'Orso Atomico (Edizioni BD) and his latest graphic novel 'La sindrome di Leonardo' (2022, Feltrinelli)

He's working with Patrick Kindlon on a new series continuing their collaboration on the IMAGE 30th anniversary anthology and meanwhile writes and draws Dylan Dog.

Instagram: mauriziorosenzweig

Twitter: @reghigo

Facebook: Maurizio Rosenzweig



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